Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My bad habit...

Well, I suppose you should make that plural. I have more than one bad habit. I dont like to admit this fact, but.......

My worst habit is procrastination. For instance, I started cleaning house yesterday but got interrupted by a phone call. Naturally, I had to step outside on the patio to chat with my friend. When we hung up, I went inside and started watching a movie. I knew I needed to get back to my housework, but "it can wait. That dust isnt going anywhere." Yeah...right!

One of my other bad habits is biting my fingernails. I know, you'd think a woman my age would have stopped by now. Since I stopped smoking 4 yrs ago, this habit has increased. I think it has something to do with my being used to having something in my hands/mouth.

Now, dont get me started on my familys' bad habits! That's a whole other blog!!


Deanna said...

ohh yeah... good one...I forgot to add that baby to my list too!...neat blog...Im gonna be sure to pop back in sometime!

Glynis said...

Great post, Biffy!

loonyhiker said...

I used to bite my nails and then started keeping nail polish on them. I hate chipped polish and notice all of sudden that my nails were growing. This was a good post and I enjoyed reading it!

heather said...

SHOCKING!!! Enjoyed reading your blog :)

Karen said...

Ahh procrastination. I'll tell you what I think about it...later.

Meg said...

My husband and I call it ADD cleaning. We'll be in one room and leave it to take something somewhere and somehow never return, lol! Great post!