Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I dont like goodbyes. Never have...never will. Being a military wife, I've had to experience way too many of them. When it does come time, I'm usually a combination crier/hugger/"see ya later" type of person. I know that I probably will never see the person again, but "goodbye" seems so permanent. I'm a hugger by nature, so that's what I do. As for the crying, I didnt used to. I had been all "tough as nails" and all. Then, I went through a life changing experience that has altered my emotional life all together. I'm much more caring, tender, and cry-ish now. Heck, I even cry over tv commercials! I think it's partly from being a Mom and partly from my experience.

Anyway, I just hope I dont have to do any goodbyes anytime soon. They hurt too much!!


Glynis said...

Great post--goodbyes are one of the hardest things I think we humans have to deal with...and I've become more emotional about them as I get older, too.

Meg said...

Oh yeah, I'm right there with you. I love being a military wife, but it kinda sucks sometimes, huh? I've known some great people that I wished I could stay in touch with, but it's just really difficult.

That's why I love my virtual friends! I don't have to say goodbye to you!

Unknown said...

Not a military wife but military brat, I still remember all the moves. Although I think it is much easier for a child than an adult.

loonyhiker said...

I had a student that I've taught for 2 years whose dad is in the military and just moved to TX. I was so sad because he was an excellent student with a lot of potential but he took it in stride and said this would be his last move since he would graduate before they had to move again. He didn't seem emotional at all about leaving his friends and said it was expected. I couldn't do it!

ArtcTrish said...

Great post...I would never make it as a military wife and having to move so much!