Friday, June 16, 2006

My version of the "ideal" party

1. As many of my friends as there is room for
2. Finger-foods, such as:sausage-cheeseballs, pig-n-blankets, chips/dip, veggies, etc
3. Lower volumed music. Loud music is too distracting. Whatever genre is most liked by everyone
4. Not too many decorations. Keep it simple
5. Held in our sunroom. Lots of windows and lots of room
6. We can talk about anything that comes up. Open topic
7. As for party games, I have no idea. I usually leave that up to the guests. Whatever they feel like playing is okay with me.

So...who's coming to my party? hehe


Suza said...

this sounds like having a good party :-)

i´ll be there :-)

Bonnie said...

Sounds nice and comfortable, sometimes I make the mistake of going to too much trouble and then people feel like they can't match up to what i did! Simple is not in my dictionary unfortunately, I need to work on that!

heather said...

Sounds good to me - see you there!!

Unknown said...

On my way, hehehehe.

loonyhiker said...

I saw a bumper sticker posted in a restaurant which says it all about me: If the music is too loud, you are too old! I'm glad you will keep the music down for some of us old folks!