Monday, June 12, 2006

Way back when...

Someone thought it would be great for us to describe our first foray into the wonderful world of computers.'s time for a history lesson!

Way back when...I think it was 1976, my Algebra I teacher in high school thought it would help us understand algebra if he put it into computer terms. He taught us a little about BASIC computer programming. The best part about our lessons was that he took us to the local community college for hands-on experience. That's when I fell in love with computers.

Four years later, when I enrolled in said community college, Dad went out and bought me the "top-of-the-line" Franklin Ace computer, complete with modem!! I was in awe. I could actually do my programming homework at home, not in the nasty, smelly computer lab! I was in hog heaven!

Several years, and a marriage and 3 kids, later...I discovered the wonderful world of being online. Granted, it wasnt the internet as you know it now. No ma'am! It was the wonderful world of bulletin boards! Yippee!! Needless to say, it was a far cry from the internet, but it was a means to contact folks in another area...though not too far away.

Today, I have 2 top-of-the-line desktops, as well as 2 top-of-the-line laptops, all the electronic gadgets that's available, and am still itching for more!

How bad have you got it? I got it pretty bad!!


Gabby Faye said...

Aren't we a group, though!! Yes, so hooked for decades, now. I have a top-of-the-line Dell desktop that I needed for speed-scrapping and a wireless-enabled Gateway Convertible laptop for visiting my OD in the evenings and still attend crops. We also have a basic Dell in FLorida where I use the laptop, instead, now.

So what else would we be doing? Bugging the kids to visit? Knitting little scarves?

Bonnie said...

You're not the only one hooked!:)
It's nice to meet you! I hope you don't mind that I put your blog link in mine. If you do, please tell me and I will remove it! I don't mind you putting mine in yours. I read all the blog prompts at DSP.

Unknown said...

Wooo hooo. Computers rule. LOL. And what did we do before we had them? Write, read and play.

loonyhiker said...

These young'uns should be glad to read about our history lessons that we are giving them!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Ah bulletin boards! I have some wonderful memories of being on them.

I have a 19" flat screen monitor, but my PC is not as top of the line as I would like it to be

Glynis said...

Great post! I'm having so much fun reading about everyone's experiences...and I agree with laura lou that 'what else would we be doing?'

Karen said...

Resistance is Futile!! You are so sucked into the vortex Biffy.

heather said...

OMG all of that equipment !! - I am so way behind all of you cyber chicks, but I'm doing my best to keep up :)

Tiffani said...

my computer jones will be satisfied the day I install my new terabyte hard drive.....then again...maybe not